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I chose to use Molokid as my chosen designer for COLLAGE as I really like their use of bodily anatomy and composition.

The combination of photos, drawings and digital images all cleverly placed together on usually squared paper is unique and interesting to look at.

molokid responses

Molokid's style was quite difficult for me to interpret - their work was out of my comfort zone so it took me a few tries to produce pieces of work I was generally happy with. I have included my own drawings (such as the architectural sketch of the pillar) and many of my own photos of objects I have found around the house and outside; as well as my photos I took in Manchester and around college. I would like to make a few more designs which fit Molokid's style more and are a slightly more interesting to look at. 


molokid 3.jpg
molokid response 1.jpg
molokid response 2.jpg
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