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For this camera-less stage, I decided to use sunlight, from the exact date and time of all of my photoshoots, to create patterns. I used a sun tracking app to create each individiual curve, and then plotted a point - where my photoshoot started and finished. 

alternative process

analysing sun patterns

26th march am-min.png
26th march pm-min.png
trails and movement.png
time is history photoshoot 2.png
time is history photoshoot 1.png

initial development: graphs

(I started setting my graphs out like this, however decided I prefer the line developments below more. As they are so similar, I did the line developments instead)

18th april.png

thursday 30th march

5:26 - 5:36 pm

development: line

26th march sunday.png

light and dark

sun 26th march 

6:15 - 8:15 am &pm

trails and movement

tue 18th april

4:44 - 8:24 pm


25th  march saturday.png
25th march saturday1.png

time is history

sat 25th march

17:27 - 17:50 pm

17:52 - 18:18 pm

development: string


light and dark

sun 26th march 

6:15 - 8:15 am &pm


trails and movement

tue 18th april

4:44 - 8:24 pm



time is history

sat 25th march

17:27 - 17:50 pm

17:52 - 18:18 pm

final development


For my final development, I decided to showcase all the 'sunmaps' onto one image - where you can see the separation of the curves, as well as the different shapes and colours representing different days and photoshoots.

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